Biennial Ciutat Oberta – Digital & Open Knowledge Track


The Biennial Ciutat Oberta is an event during the fall of 2018 that wants to open the debate on the role of the city in times of change like this one, reflecting on the great currents of thought that pose the future of democracy, the explosion of differences, the challenges of technological change or the validity of urban models which are still predominant. The goal is to open the debate about the cities we want and we need, with plural perspectives and with the participation of everyone. The Biennial will take place in places and neighborhoods of the city. In all the spaces where our city is an agora.

The activities that will be carried out under the vision of an open digital city, have been designed taking into account how to engage citizens, digital communities and digital experts in activities that highlight the debate, the challenges, the difficulties and the conquests carried out within the framework of an open city.


The focus of this specific track is based on a multidisciplinary vision of digital technology and culture. Seeking diversity of formats that recognize collective forms of thought and co-creation, as well as the decentralization of activities in  neighborhoods and spaces of Barcelona, to diversify and democratize where and with whom to rethink Barcelona as an open city. The activities include reflections on the digital city, which will take place through the ideation and implementation of roundtables, wikidatathons and workshops where technology is at the heart of the debate.

Dimmons with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) has developed the curation and coordination of the technological and open knowledge track of the Biennial. The curation is in charge of Mayo Fuster Morell, and the coordination of Thais Ruiz de Alda, with the collaboration of the rest of the Dimmons team. The advisory council of the UOC is formed by the advisory council of the Vice-rectorate for Globalization and Cooperation, the Open Science and Innovation and the Turba research groups, and the Psychology and Education Sciences Studies.


From 15th October until mid December


ICUB, Ajuntament de Barcelona and support by UOC.


These are some of the events and activities curated and coordinated by Dimmons during the Biennial (mainly in Catalan, except where indicated):

LAB Ciutat Oberta
[WikiDataThon] Dissabte 20 Octubre 2018, 11:30 – 18:30h
Fabra i Coats. Carrer Sant Adrià, 20
Organised by: Dimmons UOC, Liquen Data Lab, Iniciativa Open Data Barcelona

Obrint el meló del núvol: Models comunitaris per a la propietat i la gestió de les infraestructures d’Internet
[Workshop] Dissabte 20 Octubre 2018, 11:30-14:00h (Workshop I) i 17:00-19:30h (Workshop II)
Fabra i Coats. Carrer Sant Adrià, 20
Organised by: Marga Padilla i Guifinet

SlowScience. Altres formes de fer ciència: little science i participació social
[Round Table Discussion] Dimecres 17 Octubre 2018, 19.30 -21:00h
Vil·la Urània. Via Augusta,102

Xarxes socials, algoritmes, democràcia i postveritat
[Round Table Discussion] Divendres 19 Octubre 2018, 18:45 – 21:00h
Gràcia (Pl. Virreina)

Les limitacions a la llibertat d’expressió en ple segle XXI
[Round Table Discussion] Dissabte 20 Octubre 2018, 19:00 – 21:15h
Gràcia (Pl. Virreina)

MicroMOOC sobre Accés Obert. Vine a #OAMOOC
[Online activity] A Twitter a través del compte @moocmicro
22-28 d’Octubre
Organised by: UOC

Dia de Portes obertes als Ateneus de Fabricació
[Open access] Dissabte 27 Octubre 2018, 10:00-14:00
Ateneu de Fabricació de Ciutat Meridiana
Ateneu de fabricació Les Corts
Ateneu de fabricació Fàbrica del Sol

Black Mirror Data: Per a què usen les meves dades?
[Workshop] Dijous 8 Novembre 2018, 17:00h
Ateneu de fabricació Les Corts

Aprèn a programar
[Workshop] Dissabte 10 Novembre 2018, 11:00-13:30h
Ateneu de Fabricació de Ciutat Meridiana
Organised by: UOC

El acceso a la cultura y conocimiento como estado de excepción [sesión en Castellano]
[Masterclass] 14 Novembre 2018, 19:30-21:30h
Barcelona School of Management (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Carrer de Balmes, 134
Organised by: Barcelona School of management ()UPF i Xnet, dirigit per Simona Levi i Cristina Ribas

Seguretat i privacitat digital al mòbil
[Workshop] (Dates to be confirmed)
Ca la dona + Lleialtat Santenca
Organised by: DonesTech