I conduct research in the field of digital socioeconomic innovation, specialised in the expansion of the collaborative economy and digital commons in connection to disruptive technologies (blockchain and artificial intelligence), as well as its public policy implications.
Since 2016 I hold a Ramon y Cajal at the IN3 UOC. I am the leading scientist of the research group Dimmons at IN3 UOC (recognised by the Catalan government 2017 SGR 1590). Since 2013, I have been faculty affiliated at the Berkman Klein centre for Internet and Society (Harvard University). Since 2005, I am affiliated to the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
I have extensive experience leading competitive research (a total of 22 projects). During the last 5 years, I have been the principal investigator of partner members of four European projects of H2020 calls, four competitive Spanish and Catalan research projects, and three major contracts with the administration. I have been on the advisory board of three other European projects and an ERC Starting Grant Project. Over my career, I fundraised a means of almost 320,000 euros a year. In total, I have won 15 highly competitive calls: 6 european, 5 national, and 4 regional, and 3 university internal, and 5 major contracts. Total jobs created by the projects I have directed include 7 postdocs (of 2 to 3 years), 7 predocs (4 years) and 16 research assistants (diverse durations).
I have published 29 peer-reviewed articles in Journals (including Q1 such as Social Movement Studies, CoDesign, Journal Information, Communication and Society, and PLOS ONE, and three articles at the most prestigious peer-reviewed repository in Computer Science ACM). I have published 27 peer reviewed book chapters (in editorials including peer-reviewed editorials such as Routledge, Oxford University Press, and IGI Global). I am also the author of 11 books and 6 e-books. I have presented at the ECPR, at The National Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge, MA), Opensym, and Internet, Politics, & Policy (Oxford).
I have supervised two postdocs, directing or supervising fourten PhD theses (five defended), and two Master thesis at UAB and UOC.
Previously, I was a Juan de la Cierva postdoc at the UAB, and Marie Sklodowska-Curie/Beatriu de Pinos postdoc at the Berkman Klein Center (Harvard), a one year fellow at the Real Colegio Complutense (Harvard) and visiting scholar at MIT. I obtained my PhD in Social and Political Sciences at the European University Institute (EUI) in 2010, and was a visiting research scholar at Berkeley University and Stanford University in 2008. I hold a Graduate Degree in Economics (University of Valencia) and in Social and Cultural Anthropology (U. Rovira i Virgili).
My investigation has informed technological development adopted by the APACHE Foundation. My 1 publications have informed the European Agenda of Collaborative Economy of the European Commission 2016, and I have been advising the Amsterdam, NYC and Barcelona city councils, and the European and Catalan Parliaments. I am the co-director with responsibility for the program of the Sharing Cities Summit 2018, a major encounter between 50 cities worldwide on sharing economy policies.
Curriculum Vitae
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