Ricard Espelt is an interdisciplinary researcher and academic specializing in action research within the fields of social sciences, humanities, and the cultural sphere. Holding a Doctorate in Information Society and Knowledge as well as an Industrial Doctorate in Social Sciences and Humanities, he boasts a diverse academic background that includes a degree in Fine Arts.
Currently, he holds the position of Senior Researcher at TURBA (IN3) and is a member of the UOC Rural Network driving group (UOC). Additionally, he is a visiting researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) in Berlin. He is also a co-founder of the inLoft Cultural and Research Center in Copons, Barcelona.
@ricardespelt // research & personal website // ricardespelt [at] uoc.edu
Senabre Hidalgo, E., & Greshake Tzovaras, B. (2023). “One button in my pocket instead of the smartphone”: A methodological assemblage connecting self-research and autoethnography in a digital disengagement study.
Methodological Innovations, 20597991231161092.
Soro, E., Espelt, R., & Fuster Morell, M. (2023). Making sense of platform-mediated residences in tourist destinations. A semiotic analysis of the controversy around home sharing in Barcelona.
Social Semiotics, 1–18.
Fuster Morell, M., Renau Cano, M., & Espelt, R. (2023). Democratizzare l’economia di piattaforma. In M. Pirone (Ed.),
Ultimo miglio. Lavoro di piattaforma e conflitti urbani (pp. 55–72). Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.
Senabre Hidalgo, E., Wagener, A., Wandl-Vogt, E., & Lew, R. (2022). Manifesto sprint on biocultural diversity: an experimental approach to knowledge co-creation, discourse design and collaborative writing.
Cogent Arts & Humanities,
9(1), 2050603.
Fuster Morell, M., & Senabre Hidalgo, E. (2022). Co-creation applied to public policy: a case study on collaborative policies for the platform economy in the city of Barcelona.
18(3), 378–397.
Senabre Hidalgo, E., Ball, M. P., Opoix, M., & Greshake Tzovaras, B. (2022). Shared motivations, goals and values in the practice of personal science: a community perspective on self-tracking for empirical knowledge.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications,
9(1), 1–12.
Espelt, R. (2022). L’economia solidària contemporània com a eina de transformació social i econòmica del territori rural. In R. Cerarols & J. Nogué (Eds.),
L’altre món rural. Reflexions i experiències de la nova ruralitat catalana (pp. 173–190). Tigre de Paper.
Tzovaras, B. G., nabre Hidalgo, E., Alexiou, K., Baldy, L., Morane, B., Bussod, I., Fribourg, M., Wac, K., Wolf, G., & Ball, M. (2021). Using an Individual-Centered Approach to Gain Insights From Wearable Data in the Quantified Flu Platform: Netnography Study.
Journal of Medical Internet Research,
23(9), e28116.
Morell, M. F., Espelt, R., & Cano, M. R. (2021). Platform cooperativism: Analysis of the democratic qualities of cooperativism as an economic alternative in digital environments.
CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa,
102, 5–31.
Fuster Morell, M., Espelt, R., & Senabre Hidalgo, E. (2021). Data for Sustainable Platform Economy: Connections between Platform Models and Sustainable Development Goals.
6(2), 7.
Cano, M. R., Espelt, R., & Morell, M. F. (2021). Flexibility and freedom for whom? Precarity, freedom and flexibility in on-demand food delivery.
Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation,
15, 46–68.
Senabre Hidalgo, E., Perelló, J., Becker, F., Bonhoure, I., Legris, M., & Cigarini, A. (2021). Participation and Co-creation in Citizen Science. In K. Vohland, A. Land-Zandstra, L. Ceccaroni, R. Lemmens, J. Perelló, M. Ponti, R. Samson, & K. Wagenknecht (Eds.),
The Science of Citizen Science (pp. 199–218). Springer International Publishing.
Espelt, R. (2020). Agroecology prosumption: The role of CSA networks.
Journal of Rural Studies,
79, 269–275.
Fuster Morell, M., Senabre Hidalgo, E., & Rodríguez, E. (2020). Goteo.org civic crowdfunding and match-funding data connecting Sustainable Development Goals.
Scientific Data,
7(1), 132.
Fuster Morell, M., Espelt, R., & Renau Cano, M. (2020). Sustainable Platform Economy: Connections with the Sustainable Development Goals.
12(18), 7640.
Edwards, F., & Espelt, R. (2020). Technology for degrowth: Implementing digital platforms for community supported agriculture. In A. Nelson & F. Edwards (Eds.),
Food for Degrowth (pp. 128–140). Routledge.
Senabre Hidalgo, E., & Fuster Morell, M. (2019). Co-designed strategic planning and agile project management in academia: case study of an action research group.
Palgrave Communications,
5(1), 1–13.
Fuster Morell, M., & Espelt, R. (2019). A Framework to Assess the Sustainability of Platform Economy: The Case of Barcelona Ecosystem.
11(22), 6450.
Espelt, R., & Fuster Morell, M. (2019). A Framework for Assessing Democratic Qualities in Collaborative Economy Platforms: Analysis of 10 Cases in Barcelona. In G. Salvia, E. Morello, & A. Arcidiacono (Eds.),
Sharing Cities Shaping Cities. Urban Science.
Senabre Hidalgo, E. (2019). Adapting the scrum framework for agile project management in science: case study of a distributed research initiative.
5(3), e01447.
Espelt, R., & Fuster Morell, M. (2019). Ecosistema col·laboratiu de Barcelona: anàlisi de 100 plataformes i de 10 casos paradigmàtics. In M. Fuster Morell (Ed.),
Una visió global de les ciutats i local de Barcelona sobre polítiques d’economia de plataforma i col·laborativa (pp. 259–286). Sehen (UOC).
Espelt, R. (2019). Cooperativisme agroecològic i economia digital a la ciutat de Barcelona. In M. Fuster Morell (Ed.),
Una visió global de les ciutats i local de Barcelona sobre polítiques d’economia de plataforma i col·laborativa (pp. 341–352). Sehen (UOC).
Fuster Morell, M., & Espelt, R. (2018). A Framework for Assessing Democratic Qualities in Collaborative Economy Platforms: Analysis of 10 Cases in Barcelona.
Urban Science,
2(3), 61.
Senabre Hidalgo, E. S. (2018). Management of a Multidisciplinary Research Project: A Case Study on Adopting Agile Methods.
Journal of Research Practice,
14(1), P1–P1.
Espelt, R., & Fuster Morell, M. (2018). Sharing Cities. A worldwide cities overview on platform economy policies with a focus on Barcelona. In M. Fuster Morell (Ed.),
Barcelona sharing ecosystem: Analysis of 100 platforms and 10 paradigmatic cases (pp. 225–250). Sehen (UOC).
Senabre, E., Ferran-Ferrer, N., & Perelló, J. (2018). Diseño participativo de experimentos de ciencia ciudadana.
Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación,
26(54), 29–38.
Espelt, R., Peña-López, I., & Vega, N. (2017). Plataformas digitales: grupos y cooperativas de consumo versus La Colmena que dice sí, el caso de Barcelona.
La Economía Colaborativa En La Era Del Capitalismo Digital,
15, 144–174.
Garriga Miret, M., Gómez Fontanills, D., Senabre Hidalgo, E., & Fuster Morell, M. (n.d.).
Collaborative Online Writing and Techno-Social Communities of Practice Around the Commons: The Case of Teixidora.net in Barcelona » The Journal of Peer Production. Retrieved May 25, 2023, from