Special Issue «The gender of the platform economy» (2022). Address the state of the art of the research on the interplay between platform economy and gender.

Towards a Feminist Digital Economy: Initiatives, Debates and Policies (2020). This is a deliverable part of the Sharing Cities Action project.

Report for Cities: An Overview of Public Policies of the Sharing Economy by Cities. (July 2019). This report is a deliverable part of the Sharing Cities Action project.

Sharing Cities: Una visió global de les ciutats i local de Barcelona sobre polítiques d’economia de plataforma i col·laborativa (2019). Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Una nova economia per a una nova cultura: Innovacions culturals i econòmiques transformadores a la ciutat de Barcelona. (2018). Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.

Review of methodologies for the design & incubation of collaborative platforms (2016) – Report coordinated and commissioned to Platform Design Toolkit.

Cooperativismo de plataforma (2016) – Translation and coordination of the Spanish edition of the book Platform Cooperativism by Trebor Scholz.