Dimmons blog


Due to the difficult scenario the whole planet is going through, Dimmons research group works from home to continue fostering socioeconomical innovation through action-research. These days we believe it is more important than ever to continue our commitment to disseminating the open knowledge. For this reason, we share the latest contributions of Dimmons regarding procomon digital economy. Videos of the Sharing Cities Action Encounter 2019. 30 sessions in which experts of the digital economy, cities representatives, projects and the international ecosystem work on new platform models: more sustainable, feminist and inclusive. Latest published articles: Dimmons focuses on the digital sphere…

The UOC organizes an electoral debate in Barcelona on the platform economy

The candidates agreed that people’s social, labour and digital rights must be respected  The main candidates for Barcelona’s municipal elections took part in a debate on digital economy policies on 16 May. At the event held at the Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya (Catalan Guild of Journalists), they presented their proposals regarding the platform economy and the collaborative economy, which allow users to exchange goods and services via digital platforms. The event was organized by the Digital Commons research group (Dimmons) from the UOC’s Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), in collaboration with BarCola, a node for collaborative economy and commons-based…

La UOC organitza el primer debat sobre economia de plataforma amb les principals candidatures a Barcelona

Candidats i candidates a les properes eleccions municipals coincideixen en què Barcelona ha de ser una ciutat capdavantera en respectar els drets socials, laborals i digitals de les persones, i citen com a referent la Declaració de Sharing Cities. El passat 16 de maig va tenir lloc el primer debat sobre polítiques d’economia digital a la ciutat de Barcelona amb les principals candidatures a governar l’Ajuntament a les pròximes eleccions municipals del 26 de Maig. L’acte, que es va celebrar al Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya, va ser un espai de reflexió sobre l’estat i possibilitats de desenvolupament de l’economia…

Cultura de la co-creació i participació digital col·laborativa a Barcelona

La wiki-data-thon del dia 20 d’Octubre amb motiu de la biennal Ciutat Oberta de Barcelona vol ser un exercici per repensar junts i juntes què vol dir la co-creació de la ciutat. En aquest text tractarem d’oferir, primer, una sèrie d’elements característics del que podem entendre per això de co-creació de la ciutat, des de cert punt de vista, seguit d’una reconstrucció històrica (sempre incompleta) de la co-creació des de Barcelona. La co-creació d’una ciutat pot prendre moltes formes i modalitats. Per exemple des d’una perspectiva urbanística, qualsevol ciutat podem considerar que és un dels millors exemples que existeixen de…

Participation at OpenSym 2018 conference

Last week from Dimmons we had the opportunity to participate at the OpenSym18 conference in Paris, the international symposium dedicated to open collaboration research and practice. We were presenting our work in two different areas related to the collaborative economy. On the one hand, we presented an analysis of technological and knowledge practices and their implications for the platform governance of of collaborative digital platforms, based on a sample of 100 cases in Barcelona (authored by Ricard Espelt and Mayo Fuster). On the other one, an analysis of match-funding as a formula for crowdfunding, using data collected on the behaviour…

Testing new materials and dynamics for co-created projects

Last week was very active for Dimmons with our participation facilitating different workshops, where we had the opportunity to advance in a first version of a platform cooperativism toolkit. Following our collaboration with La Comunificadora, the incubation project of commons collaborative economy initiatives promoted by Barcelona Activa and coordinated by the Free Knowledge Institute, we organized a co-creation session around the LliureTIC project. In that case we prepared a dynamic and materials to identify and discuss among different actors and organizations of the free/libre software sector in Barcelona experiences of products and services, as well as common needs that a…